Series: Project Announcements
Posts introducing new software, hobbyist projects, and other stuff I’m working on.
16 posts
Jun 2009 – Apr 2022
Jun 2009 – Apr 2022
I wrote ‘hosts-timer’ to help quit my (desktop) Twitter and Facebook habits
Part of the Project Announcements series.
It was really easy for me to get into the habit of checking Facebook and Twitter while waiting for my computer to finish something. These sites are, after all, designed to be addicting.
There are some apps that are supposed to help solve this, …
Tiny Side Project: Lofi
An Electron wrapper for and friends.
Part of the Project Announcements series.
Following a recent weekend trip, I wrote a simple little app that plays a recording of waves on Lake Michigan crashing at the shore. It's around 14~15 minutes long, and it loops perfectly. The app's "artwork," such …
Following a recent weekend trip, I wrote a simple little app that plays a recording of waves on Lake Michigan crashing at the shore. It’s around 14~15 minutes long, and it loops perfectly. The app’s “artwork,” such as it is, consists of two photos (shot on iPhone) …
A lightweight service health check tool written in Bash
cdzombak/lightweight-healthcheck is an easy-to-use (and deploy) service health check tool, written entirely in Bash.
Simple programs that make better
Introducing two small programs which I use to improve my daily life with the personal task manager, Things.
Introducing Runner: a lightweight wrapper for cron jobs
Part of the Project Announcements series.
It’s been a while since I blogged anything here, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything in the past couple years! Over the next months, I’m going to try to make some posts about the various projects I’ve …
Fatal Error, Season 2
Season 2 of Fatal Error is back — with weekly episodes and a Patreon campaign.
Code Optional
Part of the Project Announcements series.
I realized today I didn’t post anything here announcing Code Optional. I launched this podcast in July with my friends Andrew and Kevin, two of the sharpest developers I know.
We aim to discuss all sorts of topics around development, design, and shipping …
Introducing a new hyperlocal weather blog for Ann Arbor: ArborWX.
Part of the Project Announcements series.
Update: the software described in this post is no longer maintained.
While developing BuyVM Manager, I built a little framework that allows your app’s users to select a default browser, and open links from your app in that browser.
It’s now on …
Part of the Project Announcements series.
Update: the software described in this post is no longer maintained.
While writing BuyVM Manager, I was disappointed to find there was no good, easy-to-use ICMP ping library for iOS projects. Apple provides a SimplePing code sample that you can adapt into your codebase, …
The Twitter Busyness Average
Part of the Project Announcements series.
Update: the project described in this post no longer works due to Twitter API changes.
At some point last week, I realized that I could measure roughly how busy I was based on the inverse of the frequency of my posts to Twitter. Based …
Find open CAEN computers using your phone
Part of the Project Announcements series.
Update: the service described in this post is no longer available.
Any University of Michigan engineering student is familiar with the process of finding an open CAEN (UM's engineering computer network) computer in the library or other engineering buildings - you walk …