Ad-light, Malware-heavy Forbes has been running an anti-adblocking experiment which completely misses the point—and serves malware as a bonus.
Nobody is using App Transport Security; what’s next? I did an informal survey of some widely-used iOS apps. I wanted to see which had opted out of the new App Transport Security checks in iOS 9. The results aren’t very promising.
Ad blockers aren’t killing the web; ad networks are killing the web A bunch of people this morning are sharing The Verge’s article about ad blocking. But ad blockers aren’t the problem here. Ad networks are the ones killing the web and if they want to stay in business they have some shit to fix.
The problems with due-process-compatible cryptography Over a sufficiently long timetable, we can only trust cryptography, not due process.
It’s Not Exploitable This article showed an excellent point: taken alone, a memory leak or other “low-impact” bug may not appear to be much of a problem. But taken together, a set of these bugs can turn into an exploitable security hole. A few classes of bugs used in that exploit: * off-by-one * memory …