Keeping a SMB share mounted on macOS (version 2) A more robust version of my original persistent-SMB-mount maintenance script.
Alfred workflows for searching Bear notes and Docker Hub images Recently[1] I have forked, updated, and started distributing two Alfred workflows: alred-bear.alfredworkflow and docker-hub.alfredworkflow. alfred-bear I forked alfred-bear from bjrnt/alfred-bear to fix a few issues: * it wasn't built for Apple Silicon * it wasn't codesigned or distributed in a notarized package * on my …
Keeping a SMB share mounted on macOS (and alerting when it does down) Instructions on keeping an SMB share mounted persistently on macOS with launchd, featuring monitoring via Uptime Kuma and runner.
macOS Scripting: How to tell if the Terminal app has Full Disk Access My macOS system configuration script requires Full Disk Access, so I wanted to add a warning if the user's terminal app doesn't have the required permissions. This check should be performed right at the beginning of the script, because if the process fails halfway through, the …
Integrating URLs into the Finder file-browsing experience macOS services to quickly create URL shotcuts on the filesystem.
Deferred Tasks, Project Templates, and More: Customizing Things with AppleScript In this post, I share some AppleScripts I use to implement additional features in the Things to-do app: OmniFocus-style deferred tasks, project templates that live in the Bear notes app, and more.
Why I use Arq instead of restic for macOS backups I recently finished upgrading all my Macs to the long-awaited version 7 release of my preferred backup software, Arq. I use it to backup all my Macs and Windows computers to the cloud storage provider Wasabi, which is inexpensive relative to eg. AWS S3. I use the open-source backup software …
Simple programs that make better Introducing two small programs which I use to improve my daily life with the personal task manager, Things.
Quick ADS-B monitoring on OS X A quick write-up of a minimal ADS-B monitoring setup, with a standard RTL-SDR receiver and a MacBook.
Monitoring aircraft via ADS-B on OS X I recently set up an ADS-B monitoring rig on a Mac Mini at home. This post documents the process I went through to allow monitoring aircraft and feeding information to several flight tracking websites.
Fixing 'Corrupted MAC On Input' Error with Git/SSH/VirtualBox 4.1.6 Fixing SSH error 2: Corrupted MAC on input. when using Git/SSH with VirtualBox 4.1.6