Building the atomic clock I’ve always wanted For years & years, I have wanted to own an actual atomic clock. So I built one.
Thermal Camera Photos of Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266 Board I'm not 100% sure how accurate the displayed temperatures are for the ESP8266 module itself, since using my inexpensive thermal camera I need to set emissivity manually, and the emissivity of the PCB material is substantially different from that of the main chip's metal case. This …
HTTPS Requests with a Small Set of Root Certificates on ESP8266 + Arduino Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. In yesterday's post, I walked through best practices for making secure HTTPS connections using a root certificate store on ESP8266 with Arduino. In that example, I used Mozilla's full list of trusted root certificates for my certificate …
HTTPS Requests with a Root Certificate Store on ESP8266 + Arduino Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. As part of my exploration of the basics of the ESP8266/Arduino/PlatformIO development experience, I wanted to learn how to make HTTPS requests. I figured this would be more challenging than using Golang on a Raspberry Pi, for example, because …
Shipping Data to InfluxDB using Arduino + ESP8266 Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. While learning to write applications for the ESP8266/Arduino platform, I wanted to make sure I could post data from the microcontroller to my home InfluxDB instance. The result of this is the influxdb branch of my esp8266-basic-wifi repository on GitHub. …
Initial Impressions of ESP8266 + Arduino Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. I've spent some time over the last few weeks toying with Arduino development on the ESP8266 platform, using PlatformIO and Wemos D1 Mini boards. The result is this GitHub repository with some simple Arduino + ESP8266 demos; and in this …
Reusing an ESP8266HTTPClient Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. In my ESP8266/Arduino/PlatformIO HTTPS demo project, I make two consecutive HTTPS requests, to different sites, from the same function. You can see the code in question here. I'm doing this work using the ESP8266HTTPClient library, which is …
How to enable debug logging for Arduino's ESP8266HTTPClient with PlatformIO Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. While working on my ESP8266 Arduino HTTPS demo project, I wanted to enable debug logging from the HTTP client. It took me a few minutes to figure out, likely due to my lack of experience with this platform & toolchain (Arduino, …
ESP8266 + PlatformIO Serial Console Monitoring with Exception Decoding Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. As part of my efforts to debug a crash during an ISR on ESP8266, using the PlatformIO toolchain, I had to figure out how to get the PlatformIO device monitor tool to decode stack traces printed to the serial console. For …
Debugging an Intermittent Arduino/ESP8266 ISR Crash Part of the Getting Started with ESP8266 + Arduino series. I've been playing with Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266 boards lately, in preparation for some upcoming project ideas, and just because learning new things is fun. I have some ideas for a series of blog posts about these boards; debugging …