Automating Ghost Routes & Redirects Deployment Ghost clearly documents how to automate theme deployment with GitHub Actions, but deploying routes & redirects automatically is not as straightforward. This lack of straightforwardness is quite unfortunate in my view, particularly because custom routes are coupled to your theme; and redirects are somewhat coupled to routes since they both …
Solar Water Preheater Goals & Design Considerations Friends on Mastodon will know that I'm working on sort of a thermal battery for our house. Let me explain…
A migration to Ghost from Jekyll I just want somewhere I can quickly & easily share things. So, I'm testing out what a new iteration of may look like, running a self-hosted instance of the Ghost CMS.
More Bugs in iPhone 13 & iOS 15 Part of the iOS 15 Bugs series. Since my last post, I've bought a new iPhone 13. I've encountered some new bugs, along with some old ones I expected a new phone to solve. A recurring theme for me: Apple's hardware is great. Their …
iOS 15 & Safari 15 Part of the iOS 15 Bugs series. iOS 15 is out. Overall I'm happy-ish with it, but I've run into some bugs/annoyances. A lot of these are around Focus Modes, which is maybe the iOS 15 feature I've played with most so far. …
Integrating URLs into the Finder file-browsing experience macOS services to quickly create URL shotcuts on the filesystem.
I wrote ‘hosts-timer’ to help quit my (desktop) Twitter and Facebook habits Part of the Project Announcements series. It was really easy for me to get into the habit of checking Facebook and Twitter while waiting for my computer to finish something. These sites are, after all, designed to be addicting. There are some apps that are supposed to help solve this, … Part of the Project Announcements series. Following a recent weekend trip, I wrote a simple little app that plays a recording of waves on Lake Michigan crashing at the shore. It's around 14~15 minutes long, and it loops perfectly. The app's "artwork," such … Following a recent weekend trip, I wrote a simple little app that plays a recording of waves on Lake Michigan crashing at the shore. It’s around 14~15 minutes long, and it loops perfectly. The app’s “artwork,” such as it is, consists of two photos (shot on iPhone) … GitHub repository GitHub - cdzombak/lakeapp: LAKE is an iPhone app that plays some relaxing Lake Michigan waves in a loop.LAKE is an iPhone app that plays some relaxing Lake Michigan waves in a loop. - cdzombak/lakeappGitHubcdzombak
Michigan COVID Vaccine Links The COVID-19 vaccine rollout appears to be a disorganized mess. Here, in no particular order, are some helpful links for people in Michigan (and particularly in Washtenaw County): * Washtenaw County COVID-19 Vaccination Form * Washtenaw County COVID-19 page * Meijer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Info / Registration * Rite-Aid Vaccine Scheduler * CVS Appointments * Walgreens Vaccine …
Deferred Tasks, Project Templates, and More: Customizing Things with AppleScript In this post, I share some AppleScripts I use to implement additional features in the Things to-do app: OmniFocus-style deferred tasks, project templates that live in the Bear notes app, and more.
Now: Feb. 2021 Reading: As I was last month, I’m still working through and enjoying Barack Obama’s A Promised Land; I’m about halfway through it now. I’m also reading Where Wizards Stay Up Late by Katie Hafner, a 1990s-era dive into the history of the Internet and its predecessor, …
Redirecting Hacker News traffic away from your site via Nginx configuration If you wish to redirect traffic from Hacker News away from your site for some reason, placing these nginx configuration directives in your site’s server { block will do this trick. This won’t work inside a location block, at least in my experience. This snippet was last updated December …
Why I use Arq instead of restic for macOS backups I recently finished upgrading all my Macs to the long-awaited version 7 release of my preferred backup software, Arq. I use it to backup all my Macs and Windows computers to the cloud storage provider Wasabi, which is inexpensive relative to eg. AWS S3. I use the open-source backup software …
Ship electricity usage data from an Energy Bridge to InfluxDB Part of the Home Energy and Environment Monitoring series. A while back, I signed up for DTE Energy’s Insight feature, which lets you monitor your home’s electricity usage in real time (and natural gas usage, but only at one-day resolution). To make this work, they ship you a …