3D Printing Project: Tiny Trays for Screws, etc.

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Part of the Project Logs series.

When working on electronics and similar projects, I often end up with a couple piles of small screws or other tiny hardware littering my workspace. I have a few magnetic trays like these, but most of them live in the garage, and they mostly seem designed to work best with larger parts.

So I designed some small (~ 4x4 cm) 3D-printable trays for temporary organization of tiny hardware:

Seven small trays, 3D-printed in yellow and gray plastic

These trays come in a few different types: with 4 full walls or with one shorter wall; and with or without a cutout for a neodymium magnet in the bottom. I used these 32mm x 2mm (nominal) magnets, and they can simply be super-glued into the circular cutout on the bottom of a tray.

These trays work well for my use case, and they're much less expensive than the metal trays linked above.

Find the STL files & Fusion 360 design on Thingiverse. Happy printing!