Tiny Side Project: Lofi Cafe.app

An Electron wrapper for lofi.cafe and friends.

This post was automatically migrated from my old blogging software, and I have not reviewed it for problems yet. Please contact me if you notice any important issues.

Part of the Project Announcements series.

As is popular in at least some coding circles, I’ve started this year listening to lofi music streams while working; they’re nice to listen to and not too distracting. There are plenty of good streams on YouTube, and the website lofi.cafe brings a bunch of good streams together in one place.

But I find it annoying to keep a browser tab open all day to play music, and I’d like to be able to Command-Tab (Alt-Tab for Windows users 😉) to my music player.

Enter Lofi Cafe.app:

Screenshot of Lofi Cafe.app

This is a simple Electron wrapper for lofi.cafe, with bookmarks that bring you to a couple other streams & sets I like to listen to sometimes. (I actually added bookmarks menu support to the nativefier project to make this work.)

The app has a few other features: on YouTube pages it removes the chat widget, and on lofi.cafe it enables the site’s “low power mode” by default. (Otherwise, that site will chew through your battery.)

That’s it. That’s the post.